Natural remedies for headache

The factors that trigger the appearance of a headache can be multiple. We have, in a generic way, causes such as happiness, tiredness, poor diet, high blood pressure, lack of sleep, stress, low sugar level or infections to cause annoying headaches that, in the most extremes, they can incapacitate us to carry out our usual tasks. Many women, either by principle or by mere physical affectation, dispense with drugs made in laboratories to look for alternatives of natural origin to try to alleviate these ailments.

Nature provides us with remedies for headaches

One of the most basic remedies involves ingesting the juice of three or four lemons squeezed into a cup and which, a priori, causes instant relief. Also the peels of this fruit are useful against migraines. They can be crushed through the action of a mortar and used as a poultice on the forehead. Chamomile tea is another recurring remedy, to which you can precisely add a few drops of lemon to achieve more effective results against headaches and migraines.

Lavender essence is a remedy that can be used to massage the temples, behind the ears, and at the base of the skull to relieve head-related ailments. You can also use this plant together with mint essence by adding them to a vaporizer and then proceed to inhale them. Another product that we can find in nature and that is useful against migraines is cinnamon, especially for those cases related to cold air.

Rosemary is another effective natural remedy for headaches that have occurred due to a cold or a flu process. The technique to be used involves boiling a handful of this plant in a liter of water to later be able to spray it. We can also take marjoram, as a tea, to alleviate all those headaches that have a nervous origin.

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