Is the Cold Good for a Headache?

Those women who suffer from headaches frequently have tried numerous methods to try to alleviate them effectively. The stress associated with modern life, and the enormous amount of tasks that we can take on in a single day, leads to the fact that annoying anomalies such as headaches are more common than desired. One of the usual ways is through the application of extreme temperatures on the painful area to relieve inflammation or the mere presence of discomfort, whether hot or cold.

Ways of applying cold to relieve headaches

According to recent studies, it is possible to conclude that the application of cold compresses to relieve the discomfort derived from migraines can be useful. This is so because both ice and any other therapy that uses cold causes the blood vessels to progressively contract, also causing inflammation to calm down. Something that can be complemented with the anesthetic effect that cold naturally has.

It is important to properly discern whether our case can potentially be alleviated by heat or cold, since using the latter inappropriately can aggravate the anomaly even more if possible. This is the case of headaches with a tension origin, a casuistry in which the contraction of the muscles in the areas surrounding the head is of obvious importance. Given the case, if our headache is due to excessive tension in the muscles, the use of an ice pack can stress them even more.

These methods of applying cold to the area that is causing the headache can be obtained through different routes. There are gel packs that can be stored in the freezer for later use, and grain- or rice-filled cloth pads that can also be stored in a refrigerator. Ultimately, we can directly apply a cloth with ice and even complement it with herbs such as valerian or lavender that enhance the positive effects of this method.

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