It is more common than it seems to suffer from headaches, either occasionally or, if more serious pathologies are referred, or in a much more constant and frequent way. On many of these occasions, the headaches that affect us can make it impossible for us to perform our daily tasks, making them absolutely annoying and tedious. The most recurring solution to this problem is through the purchase of over-the-counter medicines in pharmacies that quickly relieve us. However, it is pertinent to know that nature also offers us some possibilities to combat the aforementioned pains.
Infusions to treat headache
One of the most common solutions in this regard is through the infusion of mint (or, where appropriate, marjoram). It is very useful for those headaches that may have their origin in gastric problems. To prepare this natural infusion, you just have to pour boiling water over a bag of these herbs and let it rest for about fifteen minutes. It has been proven that peppermint oil has analgesic properties very similar to those provided by salicylic acid, which is why it is usually diluted in water to combat both migraines and headaches.
Although the most popular, mint is not the only remedy in the form of an infusion that we can find to solve our headaches. For those of you who regularly suffer from migraines, there is an herb called melissa that is especially indicated to combat your pathology. There are others that, although their main task does not lie in the alleviation of migraines, they do act collaterally on them. This is the case of rosemary -effective against menstrual pain-, St. John’s wort -remedy for body aches- and blueberry -reduces ailments related to poor circulation-.
We can also access other natural remedies such as willow bark, extracted from branches that are two or three years old. For its palliative function to be effective, about 30 grams of pulverized bark must be boiled for 25 minutes in a liter of water. However, this infusion is contraindicated for those who are allergic to aspirin. Linden blossom and hops can also help us fight headaches at the same time that they are a great stimulus to overcome episodes of stress and insomnia.