How to Avoid Headaches at Christmas?

Although Christmas is normally linked to a time of relaxation, recreation and, above all, enjoyment with the family, it can also be a time associated with stress due to the amount of preparations to be made, nostalgia for the people close to us who are no longer there. and excesses with both food and alcohol. All of them are conditions that can alter, to different extents, our health. One of the most frequent conditions throughout the celebration of this festivity is, precisely, headaches, a nuisance that can be prevented if we follow some advice.

Christmas as a source of headache creation

First of all, the most important recommendation is to try to take all the actions that revolve around this festivity as calmly as possible. As we have said, Christmas is a time for excesses, many times we let ourselves be carried away by the emotion of reuniting with loved ones or simply by the joy of celebrating with the family, which is why we tend to spend time at the table, consuming so much food like alcohol in an abusive way. These excesses can hinder digestion, in addition to causing abnormalities related to headaches and migraines, especially in those women who tend to suffer them frequently.

It is also important not to substantially modify our schedules. Although they are vacation and rest days, we must try to organize them in a homogeneous way to guarantee rest but also not to disturb sleep too much, which can be a key factor in the generation of severe headaches. Although we get carried away at family lunches and dinners typical of the season, we will have to consider the possibility of eating a healthy and balanced diet for the rest of the time.

Although we must take into account all the factors mentioned above, we must pay attention, with even greater effort if possible, to the amount of stress that we are generating during the celebration of Christmas. It is one of the most important causes in the appearance of headaches, so it is pertinent to advise that we take the festivity easy and practice relaxing activities in a way that favors our health.

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