Headache with Dizziness: Causes and Remedies

Although, a priori, both the headache and the dizziness may seem like two ailments that have no relationship with each other, there are many women who can experience both at the same time. The circumstances that can trigger this concurrence of different types of pathologies can be of a different nature, so only a medical specialist will be able to discern the triggering factors in order to make a correct diagnosis of the anomaly. In this way, we will achieve an adequate treatment for our specific problem.

Causes that trigger headaches and dizziness

One of the most common causes that generate the presence in our body of headaches and dizziness has to do with physical exercise. This symptomatology usually occurs during the development of activities that require a high energy expenditure by our body, such as lifting weights, swimming, running or riding a bicycle. There are several factors that can cause headaches and nausea during the practice of a sporting activity such as those described: hypoglycemia, dehydration, poor posture, difficult breathing, training at heights or even in an environment that is environmentally extremely hot.

For women who suffer from migraines, it is possible that, during an episode in which both the pain, nausea and discomfort are very strong, they can cause dizziness in the affected person. Also exhaustion due to the sun or sunstroke itself can cause symptoms such as dizziness, fairly long-lasting headaches, and even vomiting. Given the number of causes that can determine a situation of this nature, it is recommended to visit the doctor in order to obtain an appropriate treatment for the symptoms that we may present.

As general advice, whenever we are practicing some physical exercise or detect potential heat stroke, we should stop what we are doing and try to rest to catch our breath. Abundant hydration is also necessary, and even if we feel manifest weakness, we must eat in order to recover an adequate level of blood sugar. If the symptoms do not improve with these remedies, we will have to go to the nearest medical center.

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