Headache when Coughing: Causes and Solutions

Sometimes we can hear some women complain of a headache that manifests itself when coughing. This situation is usually the consequence of a previous problem, either because the cough is excessively dry or because it has been dragging for several weeks. The physical explanation is simple since this bodily reaction generates continuous pressure on certain parts of the body -such as the neck, head and chest- that show a certain sensitivity for the development of headaches. If this scenario occurs, it is necessary to consult with the family doctor in order to minimize the potential negative consequences on our body.

Causes of headache when coughing

There are multiple factors that can condition a headache when coughing. Among them, we can find tobacco since women smokers tend to suffer from chronic bronchitis, allergic reactions to elements such as smoke, pollen, chemical vapors or dust, sudden changes in the weather and asthma. Inflammations, whether in the larynx or in the pharynx, can cause coughing and, consequently, severe headaches, just like when suffering from a pathology such as sinusitis, since one of its symptoms is focused on creating a certain degree of cranial pressure.

Once the cause has been identified, we will have to proceed with caution since we have several alternatives to alleviate the consequences on the head of coughing. In the first place, a visit to the doctor is appropriate so that he can make an adequate and precise diagnosis of the anomaly that has triggered the coughing attacks. Once the specific medications are prescribed to alleviate this problem, we can complement the treatment through the use of home remedies.

Home remedies must be aimed at reducing coughing as it is the direct cause of headaches. For this we can use elements such as grape juice, lemon, honey, salt water gargles, onion, mint or even white pepper. Once this bodily reaction is alleviated, the headaches will progressively occur with less frequency.

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