Headache Massages: most common Techniques

Headaches are one of the major health problems in our society and one of the most frequent reasons for sick leave. And this is so given that these ailments are not necessarily linked to any specific pathology or health problem, but can also be caused by environmental, emotional or mental factors. There are many techniques to alleviate said pain, although sometimes it is not necessary to take any type of medication, so we can resort to methods such as massages to relieve the discomfort.

Massage to alleviate headaches

The most appropriate thing is to go to a specialist in massages or relaxation techniques to be able to put ourselves in the hands of professionals suitable for this task. The first thing we must evaluate is the origin of the pain since, for example, the fact that it occurs intermittently can be a symptom of another pathology that must be treated by a medical professional. Once this is understood and if the headache has, especially, a muscular origin, we can resort to massage to help our body reduce the sensation of pain.

For the procedure itself, we need to be in an environment that has specific characteristics in order to enhance its positive effects. Finding ourselves lying down, in a dark environment, will help us to relax as well as to have a more pleasant sensation once the massage has been applied. We must be clear that it is not about any type of medical technique, but about parallel remedies aimed at reducing pain.

There are several techniques that have a positive effect on reducing the discomfort caused by headaches. Most focus on the pressure of certain points on the head that coincide with nerve endings: one of the most effective massages is aimed at pressure in the temple area, another technique consists of applying heat to the forehead using the use of the palms of the hands. Finally, there are massages that focus on a route with the hands around the entire skull.

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