Did you know that Certain Clothes give you a Headache? clothes for Summer

Although it is difficult to find a direct relationship between the appearance of a headache and the use of certain items of clothing, we can indirectly establish a connection between both aspects. As we well know, heat is one of the main causes of the generation of migraines and headaches during the summer season. Among the many recommendations that experts are good enough to make to alleviate the negative effects of high temperatures, we can count some that have to do with correct clothing that helps our body to perspire properly.

Clothes that can Prevent Headaches

As a first recommendation, we have the advice to wear hats or caps that can protect our heads from the direct action of the sun. In order for them to perform their function efficiently, they must be made of natural materials that are breathable –such as straw or yarn-, be light in color and leave a space for perspiration between the head itself and the hat itself. It is also important that these garments have visors or wide brims so that the protection also extends to the neck and face.

The clothes recommended by the experts go through four basic requirements that, in principle, given how profuse our closets tend to be, should not pose any kind of problem for us to address: the garments used must be comfortable and allow freedom of movement, we must avoid dark colors as they tend to absorb heat, they must also be made with thin and breathable materials, so that we facilitate our body’s temperature regulation mechanisms.

Last but not least, in order to avoid the generation of migraines, it is important to highlight the protection of the eyes through sunglasses. Both in children and adults, they must be made with quality crystals that adequately filter the sun’s rays. For this reason, it is important for the health of our sight to reject all those glasses with plastic lenses or that do not offer us all the basic guarantees.

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