Chronic daily headache is a pathology that, although it is not usually given much attention and tends to be trivialized and ignored, it can be quite severe and have very negative consequences on our health. This type of headache is defined by a series of characteristics that must be met for it to be considered as such. Namely, it must be filed for a minimum of fifteen days a month and be maintained for three consecutive months. The causes that can cause this anomaly in our body can have different origins, so it is necessary to accurately establish the symptoms.
Importance of correct Diagnosis in daily headaches
The evaluation of a doctor is absolutely essential in these cases since the establishment of an exact diagnosis is necessary to determine if it is a serious headache or, on the contrary, it is a benign anomaly. Headaches can be primary or secondary. The secondary ones are the consequence of another medical problem such as an infection, a tumor, a sleep disorder or an injury. In his case, the primaries do not usually have an easily identifiable origin. This last category is where migraines and tension headaches come in.
According to some recent investigations, there are certain factors that can aggravate the physical conditions of those of us who may suffer from a disease of this kind: coffee consumption, poor diet, abuse of analgesic medicines, tobacco, alcohol, a style unhealthy life. In fact, it is estimated that around 5% of the female population suffers from chronic daily headaches, which is why they tend to be treated quite frequently in medical centers.
It is pertinent to emphasize once again the importance of medical care, since a large majority of women who suffer from this type of migraine also abuse over-the-counter analgesic drugs. What ends up becoming a vicious circle that is difficult to break.