All headaches that manifest with unusual frequency, constantly throughout the days, have as their main negative consequence the fact that this anomaly can affect our routine to such a level that it is possible to leave us incapable of perform any task. These headaches do not have to have an easily discernible origin, they can appear suddenly and take a few days to go away. Luckily, most of these cases can be solved through significant changes in our lifestyle or through drugs recommended by our GP.
Origin of constant headache
But this kind of constant headache can also appear accompanied by other symptoms that aggravate both our physical and mental state. Namely vision disturbances, nausea, fatigue, chills, and sensitivity to sound or light. This pain, which according to medical research carried out in recent years is more likely to occur in women, comes from the tension or contraction of the muscles in the area surrounding the head: neck, back, jaw, shoulders and scalp.
An inadequate lifestyle also influences the suffering of these constant headaches: a diet that is not healthy and balanced, skipping any of the five basic meals that we must have daily or excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco or caffeine are negative factors to consider. The intake of whole milk in large quantities can also lead our body to develop abnormalities such as those mentioned. Poor postural hygiene or mood states such as anxiety and depression can be causes of frequent migraines.
For the treatment of these headaches, the most crucial action on our part is to consult our trusted doctor. Resting adequately, sleeping the right hours, hydrating properly, following a balanced diet, doing sports in a moderate way and, above all, undergoing annual check-ups that can rule out more serious illnesses are options that can complement an effective recovery from such pathologies.