
Headache due to Toothache: Avoid it

Sinusitis is a fairly frequent pathological process in women, especially in the winter season, which, among other things, can cause symptoms related to headaches. There is a scientifically proven relationship between sinusitis and toothaches, since toothaches can be a symptom of sinusitis caused by some kind of allergy or by bacteria. Although it is also possible that the sinusitis itself

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Headache due to Lack of Vitamins

It is possible that the deficiency of certain vitamins, especially those belonging to group B, promote the development of physical problems related to headaches. A physical weakness, due to an unbalanced or even inadequate diet, can be a basic pillar around which to generate a multitude of pathologies. As we know from medical studies, headaches and migraines are quite frequent

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Headache when Drinking Beer: Alcohol Intolerance?

Headaches associated with the intake of alcoholic beverages are quite common, especially as a direct effect after an excess. However, there are also cases of women who, even when drinking in a moderate way a product as common as beer, linked to social gatherings and the summer season, develop annoying ailments that can ruin any event they are attending. In such

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Headaches associated with Vasculitis: what it is and what are its causes

Vasculitis is an anomaly that is defined as a group of diseases and syndromes that cause a clear inflammation of the blood vessels with a consequent narrowing of the same. This substantial change in the diameter of the vessels ends up compromising the blood flow itself towards the organic tissue. It must be taken into account that it is a pathology

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