Avoid Headaches caused by Lack of Sleep

Sleep is essential in our daily life, it is not only a valuable way to modulate our state of mind, but we also use it as a means to recover the energy lost throughout the day or to record what we have learned in our memory. In terms of health, specialists in the field maintain that lack of sleep, and therefore inadequate rest, have a direct impact on the nervous system, which can cause numerous headaches along with episodes of irritability and restlessness.

Sleep disturbances and headaches

Recent studies in this regard have indicated that getting adequate rest can contribute to the pain caused by a headache. This is because both excess and lack of sleep can cause them at the same time as worsen your condition. But this is not the only relationship that exists between headache and sleep. Often migraines are a secondary symptom of a sleep disorder and, on other occasions, we can suffer tension headaches as a result of a process of insomnia.

In the opinion of doctors, a newborn baby should rest for around 18 hours a day. As the child grows, it is recommended that sleep be modulated between 10 and 8 hours a day. Once settled in the adult stage, sleeping 8 hours a day is considered adequate. There is an exception to this last consideration when we reach old age, in which rest can fluctuate between 5 and 6 hours a day, although it must be taken into account that during this process the moments of leisure during the day are greater.

The types of headaches that are most frequently triggered by sleep disturbances are hypnic headaches, cluster headaches, and paroxysmal hemicrania, since they are pathologies that can be generated during nocturnal attacks. Women who suffer migraine episodes, as in the cases discussed, do so from the REM phase of sleep. It is recommended, in any case, consultation with the doctor to face an effective diagnosis.

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